Our mind is active 24 hours a day, from the moment we awake until night, when we sleep and even in our dreams. Thoughts race through our heads without interruption. In Buddhism, the mind is often compared to a wild monkey, who leaps uncontrolledly from one branch to the next. This restlessness amounts to a permanent distraction that prevents us from unfolding the full potential of our mind. Meditation is a tool that helps us focus better, so that we are no longer a slave to our emotions and habits, but the master of our self. Through the practice of meditation, we learn to calm our minds. This leads to physical and mental relaxation, and has far-reaching positive effects on our health. Furthermore, we can concentrate better. We get to know ourselves better, recognize our habits and can become free of them. Depending on our commitment to the practice, and how we integrate it with other aspects of Buddhist teaching, we will be able to recognize our true selves and experience unconditional happiness.
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